Climate Corner – Sep 2019

How to take action in Austin, TX September 2019 – Selwyn Polit We know from the IPCC Report from the United Nations in September 2018, that we have 11 years to stop the irreparable damage to our climate systems. We have to figure out how to make sweeping changes...

September 2019 – Window On Windsor

Check out the info on our neighborhood-wide yard sale, on Saturday September 21st. We have several families participating – explore the neighborhood and find hidden treasures to bring home! We’ll be posting a map of all the homes participating on our...

Climate Corner – Aug 2019

Carbon Dividend Act August 2018 – Barrett Sundberg In WPNA’s Global Warming resolution, passed in May, we urged Congress to “impose a fee on the producers and importers of fossil fuels…and distribute the fees received on a per capita basis.” A bill to do...

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