Climate Corner – The High Price of Meat

by Martin Luecke A pound of meat can be anywhere from $1 for chicken and up to $100 for certain steaks.  But one of the hidden costs is the trillions of pounds of CO2 created every year worldwide.  In America we are currently using 70 percent of our grain to feed...

July 2020 – WPNA Meeting Live Stream

Please watch the recording for the July 2020 Windsor Park Neighborhood Association meeting. Time Topic Speaker 10:15 Welcome viewersThank sponsors, donors, members, and newsletter deliverers Dan Strub 10:20 Scholarship Match Challenge Emily Vitris Yard of the Month...

June 2020 – WPNA Meeting Live Stream

Please join us for the June 2020 Windsor Park Neighborhood Association meeting. Live streaming from the Windsor Park Neighborhood Association Facebook page at 10:15am, Saturday, June 13th. TimeTopicSpeaker10:15Welcome!Dan Strub10:20Scholarship AwardEmily Vitris, Alice...

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