Become a Member

Why join the WPNA?

Here are some highlights from previous years:

  • Joined by city officials to share their vision for Austin
  • Held mayoral candidate forums to hear about candidates’ platforms and to help us be more informed voters
  • Held a candidate forum before the election to allow District 49 candidates to hear the concerns of our neighborhood
  • Worked with Austin Parks and Recreation to improve Bartholomew and establish the new Pomerleau park
  • Welcomed the Austin PD to share their best practices for keeping our neighbors safe
  • Raised scholarship funds for deserving students graduating from local schools
  • Raised funds for the installation of the sun shades in Bartholomew Park
  • Held numerous neighborhood clean-ups and hosted “It’s My Park” Days
  • Launched a needs and wants survey as a resource for businesses interested in investing in our community
  • Deliver our monthly newsletter, Window on Windsor, to over 3,000 homes
  • Hosted annual Block Parties

Membership Levels

  • Reduce – for seniors and student –  $5.00
  • Individual – for one person – $15.00
  • Family – All members of the household who are 18 and older –  $20.00
  • Sustaining – Anyone (counts for all members of the household) – $35.00

Membership Form

Make a Payment: Venmo, Paypal, or Check


NOTE: When using Venmo, please include names of members and an email address in the description.



Send your check to:

WPNA, Attn: Treasurer
P.O. Box 16183
Austin, TX 78761

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