Please join us, Saturday, January 9th at 10:15 am for the January 2021 Windsor Park Neighborhood Association Meeting

10:15Welcome!Jackie Brooks
10:20Yard of the MonthJackie Brooks
Treasurer’s reportJosh Pitts
10:25AHA! At Briarcliff: Opening AnnouncementJolene Keene
10:30Hancock Conservancy – sharing the goals and vision for transforming
Hancock Golf Course into a public park. Presentation with Q&A to follow
Darrel Mayers
Adam Sparks
10:45Welcome new executive committee (seeking candidate for VP)
& Appointment of Committee Chairs for 2021
Jackie Brooks
10:50Volunteer opportunities and committee reportsCommittee Chairs
11:00Appoint Audit Committee – discussing options to accomplish the audit safely
or potential need to delay temporarily
Jackie Brooks
11:15Renew your membership for 2021 – how to sign upJackie Brooks
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