On April 12th we will call upon the Neighborhood Association to vote on whether to send this letter supporting the establishment of a dog park in Mueller.
Please read the following, and if you have specific amendments please fill out the following form:
East Austin desperately needs a dog park. The Windsor Park Neighborhood Association supports the Austin Parks & Recreation Department’s proposed dog park pilot project at the Southeast Greenway in the Mueller community. Our residents would benefit from the development of an East Austin dog park and would like to see this project move forward quickly.
For twenty years our neighborhood has been involved in the city’s planning process to transform the municipal airport into a thriving, modern, mixed-use community with resources and amenities to benefit all of East Austin. Providing a dog park in the city-owned Southeast Greenway would demonstrate that the city and Mueller developers and leaders are still committed to this promise.
Our neighborhood is close to Mueller and many of our residents visit Mueller’s parks regularly to walk their dogs. A large fenced off-leash dog park would provide a much-needed safe place for dogs and their owners to run, play and socialize. The Southeast Greenway is a convenient location for our residents to reach by foot or by car, depending on their mobility needs. It has restrooms, a parking lot and plenty of street parking. The field next to the skatepark is large, level, grassy and below street level, making it a perfect location for this purpose.
We understand that a greenways maintenance agreement between the city and the Mueller Property Owners Association requires both parties to support this project before it can proceed. We ask you to consider our neighborhood’s needs and our request for a dog park when making your decision. We also would like to be notified in advance of any public meetings or discussions about the dog park project.
Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss our request for a dog park at Mueller.