Please join us, Saturday, August 8th at 10:15 am for the the August 2020 Windsor Park Neighborhood Association Meeting TimeTopicSpeaker10:15Welcome!Thank sponsors, donors, members, and newsletter deliverers!Dan Strub10:20Scholarship Match ChallengeEmily VitrisYard of...
Please watch the recording for the July 2020 Windsor Park Neighborhood Association meeting. Time Topic Speaker 10:15 Welcome viewersThank sponsors, donors, members, and newsletter deliverers Dan Strub 10:20 Scholarship Match Challenge Emily Vitris Yard of the Month...
Please join us for the June 2020 Windsor Park Neighborhood Association meeting. Live streaming from the Windsor Park Neighborhood Association Facebook page at 10:15am, Saturday, June 13th. TimeTopicSpeaker10:15Welcome!Dan Strub10:20Scholarship AwardEmily Vitris, Alice...
Please join us for the May 2020 Windsor Park Neighborhood Association meeting. Live streaming from the Windsor Park Neighborhood Association Facebook page at 10:15am, Saturday, May 9th. We apologize for the announcement video quality. The meeting on May 9th will have...
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Seven of our eleven 2023 Scholarship recipients being recognized at our June WPNA meeting.
Please support our scholarship effort by contributing below through our secure PayPal site.
We're raising money to maintain the beauty and safety of our parks.
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