2019-2020 WPNA Scholarship Recipients
Former Windsor Park scholars in attendance spoke about the scholarship program and congratulated the newest recipient. By Alice Graulty, Schools Committee Spring 2020 started out like any other semester at our Windsor Park high schools, Northeast HS (formerly Regan),...Climate Conversation – A scientific/political discussion
Watch video of a climate conversation with atmospheric scientist Katharine Hayhoe, ocean scientist Juli Berwald and high school senio Louisa McDaniel
October 2020 – WPNA Meeting Live Stream
Please join us, Saturday, October 10th at 10:15 am for the the October 2020 Windsor Park Neighborhood Association Meeting TimeTopicSpeaker10:15amWelcomeDan Strub10:20amYard of the MonthDan StrubTreasurer’s reportDan StrubCommittee ReportDan Strub10:30amAISD Trustee...Oct 2020 – Window On Windsor
Oct 14 – online Climate Conversation with noted experts
Student Sponsorships – new grants and profile of a recipient
What is Online Schooling like- one family’s perspective at Harris Elementary