Climate Corner – New National Era?

by Barrett Sundberg Dec 2020 Since its climate resolution last year, WPNA has kept an eye on national legislation related to climate, to keep its pledge of seeking positive action from legislators and keeping neighbors informed about key items that individuals can ask...

Climate Corner – Carbon Shrinker

By Barrett Sundberg   When WPNA passed its climate resolution last year, we said we would pursue neighborhood initiatives to reduce climate change. It’s time to start showing how much we’ve done. Meet the Windsor Park Carbon Shrinker facebook page at...

2019-2020 WPNA Scholarship Recipients

Former Windsor Park scholars in attendance spoke about the scholarship program and congratulated the newest recipient. By Alice Graulty, Schools Committee Spring 2020 started out like any other semester at our Windsor Park high schools, Northeast HS (formerly Regan),...

October 2020 – WPNA Meeting Live Stream

Please join us, Saturday, October 10th at 10:15 am for the the October 2020 Windsor Park Neighborhood Association Meeting TimeTopicSpeaker10:15amWelcomeDan Strub10:20amYard of the MonthDan StrubTreasurer’s reportDan StrubCommittee ReportDan Strub10:30amAISD Trustee...
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