What’s going on with Harris Elementary?

Harris Elementary is the construction zone where that adorable little school built in the 1950’s used to be at the corner of Wheeless & Berkman! In summer 2024, students and faculty moved to the old AISD Sims school...

Free Information Session on End of Life Topics Feb 9

What: A free informal discussion about end-of-life topics offered by the Funeral Consumers Alliance of Central Texas, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, educating consumers since 1964, https://www.fcactx.org. Topics of interest Ways to save on funeral expenses Natural/Green...

Northeast ECHS Modernization Update Feb 5

From the Austin ISD Bond Implementation and Communications Team: One of the key projects included in the voter-approved Austin ISD 2022 Bond Program is the phased modernization of our school. We know you’re eager to see the improvements to your school, and we want to...
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