Early Voting

When: October 23 through Friday November 3. Polls are open 7 AM-7 PM. Sunday 12-6PM What: Early Voting Where: Here’s a link to the Travis County Polling Locations https://countyclerk.traviscountytx.gov/departments/elections/current-election/#polling-locationsThe...

It’s My Park Day Registration Open

REGISTRATION: When: Registrations are now open until November 4th What: Windsor Park Neighborhood Association is hosting an event for Austin’s Annual It’s My Park Day. Our event is called “Bagging it up at Bartholomew-Tannehill Branch Clean Up”...

Peggy Street Halloween Carnival Oct 31

When: October 31st 2023 from 5 PM to 7 PM What: Dress up and bring the kids for as safe way to enjoy Halloween. The carnival will accept donations of candy to hand out to the kids. If you’d like to donate candy contact the Enlivenment Committee at...

2022-2023 WPNA Scholarship Recipients

2023 Scholarship winners announced Alice Graulty, for the WPNA Schools Committee WPNA Schools Committee is honored to announce that we have 11 WPNA Scholarship recipients for the 2022-2023 school year. Thanks to generous donors in the neighborhood, especially from...
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