Harris Elementary Public Meeting Nov 30

When: November 30th from 4 PM to 6 PM Where: At Harris Elementary, 1711 Wheless Ln, Austin, TX 78723 What: A community meeting on the redevelopment of Harris Elementary. Learn More about the Harris Element Redevelopment Plan and the Bond Package. Learn More about all...

Notice of Hearing Nov 30th

Notice of Hearing: Updates to three City mobility plans coming to Austin City Council When: Thursday, Nov. 30 at 10AM Where: Austin City Hall Council Chambers, 301 West Second Street. What: The final round of engagement will be through the City Council public hearing...

Amy Bluemel at Windsor Park Library

When: November 15 @ 11:00 AM Where: Windsor Park Branch library What: Amy Bluemel of the Chickasaw Nation will be performing in full regalia as she shares some of her language, history, and artifacts through the magic of stories. Free and open to all...

Caring for Trees

At the November 11th General meeting of the WPNA, Willy Glenn from Your Native Nursery shared tips on when to plant and how to protect new trees. Here is a link to the slideshow from his presentation. https://app.typeset.com/shared/654f9c0bd20f75001c399858 You can see...

Memorial UMC Sesquicentennial

When: December 9-10 from 1 PM until 5 PM Where: Memorial United Methodist Church, 6100 Berkman Drive What: The Memorial United Methodist Church is celebrating 150 years with a festival from 1 PM until 5 PM on Saturday December 9th and special service on Sunday...

WPNA Holiday Party Dec 9th

When: December 9 from 10:00 AM – until Noon Where: Knomad Bar; 1213 Corona Dr, Austin, TX 78723 What: WPNA Holiday Party, Potluck goodies welcome. Why: To celebrate another amazing year in Windsor Park, meet some of your neighbors, and hob nob with some of your...
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