Trunk or Treat – Oct 20th

What: Austin ISD Police Department is hosting it’s 5th Annual Trunk or Treat event. Multiple organization including the Windsor Park Neighborhood Association will be represented. There will be Food, Drink, Candy, and Fun. When: Saturday, October 20th from 4 pm...

Art in the Park – Oct 26

What: Austin Parks Foundation is hosting one of our new Art in the Park events. Art in the Park is an inclusive, free community event series designed to get children’s creative juices flowing by engaging in fun art projects out in their local parks. We...

Cap Metro Transit Plan 2025 – Oct 10

Community Night – Thursday, October 10, 2024, from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m at Millennium Youth Entertainment Complex Help shape the future of public transit in Central Texas! CapMetro is developing Transit Plan 2035 to improve our public transportation system over the next...

I-35 Open House Sept 28

After gathering valuable input from the community this summer on Austin’s Our Future 35 project, the City invites residents to the September Open House to meet the project team and view the latest cap and stitch Vision Plan. The updated...

Texas AWWA Creek Cleanup Sept-28

What: Texas American Water Works Association has adopted about half a mile of the creek that flows through Bartholomew Park as part of the Keep Austin Beautiful campaign to clean up the creeks in Austin. Periodically they have a creek cleanup opportunity and the first...

Rebecca Lowe Pancake Breakfast Oct 5th

Through generous support by the Austin Mennonite Church For at least 10 years, The Austin Mennonite Church, right here in Windsor Park, has been generously putting on a fundraiser pancake breakfast to benefit of the WPNA Scholarship fund. This year the fundraiser...
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