Texas AWWA Creek Cleanup Sept-28

What: Texas American Water Works Association has adopted about half a mile of the creek that flows through Bartholomew Park as part of the Keep Austin Beautiful campaign to clean up the creeks in Austin. Periodically they have a creek cleanup opportunity and the first...

Rebecca Lowe Pancake Breakfast Oct 5th

Through generous support by the Austin Mennonite Church For at least 10 years, The Austin Mennonite Church, right here in Windsor Park, has been generously putting on a fundraiser pancake breakfast to benefit of the WPNA Scholarship fund. This year the fundraiser...

APD Community Connect – Aug 28

What: Austin Police Department is hosting a Community Connect event for the IDA and ADAM sectors, North Central and North West Austin, which also included Windsor Park, University Hills and Pecan Springs-Springdale. Please join Commander Griffin and her team as we...

Back to School Help

Tanya Marin our neighbor and the Director of Communications and Community Engagement for Austin Creative Reuse visited us at our August 10 meeting to share how and why we can reduce waste and specifically plastics getting released into the environment. Check out her...

August 2024 – WPNA Meeting Livestream

WINDSOR PARK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION GENERAL MEETINGAugust 10, 2024, 10:00 AM – NOONMemorial United Methodist Church Gym, 6100 Berkman Drive Remember to bring your own coffee cup! Unless you’re going to stay home and watch the live stream Live Stream is not...
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