Discovering Earl Pomerleau Park

A group of neighbors and friends of neighbors gathered today to discover the plant and animal life of Pomerleau Park. Austin Parks and Rec opened this undeveloped park for us to explore and paint, and Ann Armstrong of Austin’s Atlas led us through a brief...

WPNA Meeting, Saturday, September 9

This month’s meeting topic is fall gardening. Learn tips for maintaining and improving your garden, gardening with natives, and growing herbs from the Wildflower Center and the American Botanical Council. In addition, we will be introducing a resolution on the...

WPNA Meeting Agenda August 12th

Please come to our next neighborhood meeting, Saturday, August 12th. We meet at 10 am at the Memorial United Methodist Church on Berkman, in the back of the building in a room off the gym. We provide donuts and coffee, please bring potluck dishes to share! Correction...

WPNA Meeting July 8

Our next meeting is this Saturday, July 8th at 10 am. This month we’re looking at the evolution of housing and the real estate market in the neighborhood. We will have a panel of realtors to answer our questions about trends in real estate and how these trends will...

Block Party 2017

It was a beautiful, partly cloudy day, perfect for our first annual block party! We had live music, games, performances, food, raffles, even a fire truck! Thank you to everyone who helped put it together and sponsored with donations and prizes!...
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