Climate Corner – Native Plants

by Barrett Sundberg Planting native plants in our Windsor Park yards helps the climate by sequestering more carbon than typical lawn grasses, while also reducing water use and the carbon emissions associated with pumping extra water around. What can we plant in late...

Climate Corner – New ways for the New Year

by Lisa Chavarria “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” (Robert Collier).  The new year presents an opportunity to commit to new habits and break old ones.  Thinking about how to battle climate change can feel overwhelming but there are...

Climate Corner – Mass media and local meetings

by Martin LueckeNovember 2019 The latest issue of The Economist is a first for the conservative magazine:  focusing the entire issue on the question of climate. Time magazine gave climate the cover story. The New York Times put it on the front page. And CNN made...

Climate Corner – 10 items in the news this summer

Our climate crisis committee is keeping up with the information you need to know about.   1. July 2019 surpasses July 2016 as the hottest month in recorded history 2. For the first time ever, more US electricity generation came from renewables than from coal 3....

Climate Corner – Sep 2019

How to take action in Austin, TX September 2019 – Selwyn Polit We know from the IPCC Report from the United Nations in September 2018, that we have 11 years to stop the irreparable damage to our climate systems. We have to figure out how to make sweeping changes...

Climate Corner – Aug 2019

Carbon Dividend Act August 2018 – Barrett Sundberg In WPNA’s Global Warming resolution, passed in May, we urged Congress to “impose a fee on the producers and importers of fossil fuels…and distribute the fees received on a per capita basis.” A bill to do...
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