Climate Corner – Carbon Shrinker

By Barrett Sundberg   When WPNA passed its climate resolution last year, we said we would pursue neighborhood initiatives to reduce climate change. It’s time to start showing how much we’ve done. Meet the Windsor Park Carbon Shrinker facebook page at...

Climate Corner – The plan to save the planet

by Martin Luecke and Barrett Sundberg Stop the presses!  This just in:  An actual way forward in solving our climate crisis has arrived, and not a moment too soon. “Mobilizing for a zero carbon America: A Jobs and Employment Study” was published in July by...

Climate Corner – The High Price of Meat

by Martin Luecke A pound of meat can be anywhere from $1 for chicken and up to $100 for certain steaks.  But one of the hidden costs is the trillions of pounds of CO2 created every year worldwide.  In America we are currently using 70 percent of our grain to feed...
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