March 23 is Blooming

Get your March blooming too! There’s so much going on on Saturday, March 23. The Windsor Park Branch Library is hosting a Fix-it Clinic from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM The Windsor Park Community Garden is hosting the first of two work days the second of which is...

Community Garden Work Days

Community in the Heart of Windsor Park What: Windsor Park Community Garden is holding Garden Work Days. On March 23, the focus will be to prepare the ‘free food’ area at the back of the property for planting, and planting some plants and seeds before the...

Membership Payment

Membership Levels Reduce – for seniors and student –  $5.00 Individual – for one person – $15.00 Family – All members of the household who are 18 and older –  $20.00 Sustaining – Anyone (counts for all members of the...

Windsor Park spreads the word on Climate Change

On Tuesday March 12, 2024, Martin Luecke who established the Windsor Park Neighborhood Associations Climate Committee took part in an interview on the weather channel. There he talked about the efforts Windsor Park has taken to positively impact our environment and...

Windsor Park Watersheds

This map shows the watersheds that cover Windsor Park Neighborhood. You can zoom in to find your house and or street and see where run-off from your yard (and driveway) enters into the creeks and eventually the Colorado River. There are three watersheds that cover...

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