Wesley School Talent Show & Silent Auction April 19th

When: Friday, April 19 in the Gym at 6:00 PMWhere: Memorial United Methodist Church campus6100 Berkman Dr, Austin, Texas 78723Join the fun and help us raise funds for classroom enrichment materials at our school! How: Come dressed as your favorite movie character!Win...

April 2024 – WPNA Meeting Live Stream

Windsor Park Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting 10:00 AM-Noon, Memorial United Methodist Church Gym 6100 Berkman Drive April 13, 2024 In honor of Earth Month, WPNA will focus on local and global efforts to create a greener, healthier neighborhood. We hope you...

Windsor Village Phase II Overview April 8

What: Transwestern Development Company will be providing a project overview for Windsor Village Phase II  When: Monday, April 8 at 6:00 PM.  TONIGHT Where: ONLINE — The meeting access information is listed below. Join Zoom Meeting by computer Click:...

Tannehill Branch Cleanup April 20th

What: Texas American Water Works Association has adopted the stretch of Tannehill Branch Creek that runs through Bartholomew Park. They are sponsoring another creek cleanup event and inviting you to participate. When: April 20th from 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM (Noon)...
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