Next Tannehill Branch Cleanup Opportunity

What: Tannahill branch clean up. See the article about the previous cleanup. This is the last opportunity to make a very real impact on the cleanliness of Tannahill Branch before the summer. When: Saturday May 25th at 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Where: Bartholomew Pool...

Crime Stats for Windsor Park

At the May 11th WPNA General Meeting, Commander Shauna Griffin of the Austin Police Department came to speak about crime stats in Windsor Park, and answer questions. Below is a copy of Commander Griffin’s Presentation, and you can watch the presentation and hear...

Write to your Council Member

We encourage you to join our letter writing campaign in support of safer mobility improvements in Windsor Park. We want to encourage the city to invest in making the pedestrian and bicycle travel in the neighborhood safer. If the neighborhood is safe for pedestrians...
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