Inter-Neighborhood Public Safety Community Meeting – June 22nd 2024

Blanca Salgado from PSE brought the issue of student intimidation at Manor and Rogge to Nadia Barbot, PSSNA Secretary, and CM Harper-Madison’s office. Nadia has collaborated with UHNA President Karen Davidson to address the issue and has met with our own inter-neighborhood coordinator, Keith Edwards. 

One long-time neighbor, Ursula, emphasized the need for social spaces without harassment. Commander Davis highlighted distinguishing between harmless hanging out and intimidation, advocating for more community vigilance. David Gray of the City’s recently created Homeless Strategy Office recommended calling 311 for non-violent issues and 911 for violent situations. He also mentioned the importance of repeat contact for relationship building and discussed the challenges of dealing with overflow traffic from Manor.

Jeanette Swenson pointed out the lack of foot traffic and businesses in her area, suggesting economic development for safety. The Office of Violence Prevention proposed community-based approaches and Peace Connectors for outreach. A nearby resident suggested creating a park with facilities for those in need. Discussions included Commander Davis’s community events, Sean Oliver from Life Anew noting a significant drop in gun violence and monthly aid distributions, and Blanca addressing school-related issues and traffic concerns.

David Gray discussed sheltering initiatives and the legal uncertainties affecting homeless policies. Michelle Myles of the city’s Office of Violence Prevention emphasized the need for permanent shelters, while Gray highlighted collaborations with Integral Care and Central Health for mental care. Sharon Mays encouraged continuous reporting of issues to 911 or 311, stressing the value of collected data.

It was generally agreed at the conclusion of the meeting that we can expect change in two areas by the beginning of the school year.  The street traffic on Rogge at the school and safety of routes to school and the Rogge Manor intersection.  Commitments from David Gray, Homeless Strategies, to resolving the issues at Rogge and Manor and Steve De Avila, Travis County Constable at Pecan Springs Elementary Crossing. Both committed to having a strategy in place prior to the opening of schools in August.

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